

The intent of this platform is to supply information so professionals in the industry can make well informed decisions. Whether you are new to the industry and in the planning stages of your career, or you are a veteran and need quick access to salary information.

This project started out as a history website which did include some archival pay information which is why if you go into an airlines profile you can see the history of a company as presented in Wikipedia. When possible actual information from a company website will be included.

Everything presented on this website is publicly accessible information. There is absolutely no proprietary information presented anywhere. One could argue that this is really an aggregator of publicly accessible data.

The photos presented throughout the site fall under “fair use” exception to copyright law. This is not an airplane photography platform. The photos used are meant to add color and depth to a profile of an airline. Nothing more. If there is a photo that was used and you want credit for it, or some other action, please reach out and we will discuss how to best present a photo and if we can't come to an agreement, I'll simply take it down and move on.

Regarding advertising on the site. The few ads that are up are for friends or a service that I actually use. I'm not going to deal with google-ads. You don't like them. I don't like them. This platform will never, nor is it intended to, drive a large volume of traffic to it, which is where google-ads begin to show a benefit. The traffic that does go to it is a high-net-worth, high-earning, educated professional. If you would like to place an ad in a strategic spot on the site to create awareness of your brand or service, and it fits within the scope of the site, then please reach out and lets talk about something that will work for you.

An aspect of this site, which you truly can't get anywhere else, are the family trees for most of the airlines. I spent a fair amount of time building these graphics to visualize the sometimes sorted and complex history of an airline.

And a final note about this site. It is the work of one person. I am an active, line flying airline pilot  who has been in the industry for over twenty years. I simply began building something that I wish existed, so I made it.

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